"I know girls in general hate on each other anyways, for whatever the reason, but when you first meet chicks that have boyfriends (even through a friend), why do they feel the need to be fake and/or give you the stare downs?
Honestly- I get it- you think your man is some kind of prize when there's another girl all of a sudden near him (otherwise when you're alone you barely acknowledge him), but I DON'T want your man- taken guys are not attractive to me (I know they're attractive to those really twisted individuals, but not to me). I have a boyfriend and even when I was single, taken guys are just grounds for drama.
If you don't want your man to leave your pathetic ass, love yourself enough to trust you found yourself a great guy who's willing to put up with your shit by dating you in the first place. If you trust him and treat him like the prize you all of a sudden think he is when another girl is nearby, he'll most likely stay faithful to you unless he's a complete waste of oxygen.
The End."
Told you it was a long Facebook status.