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Bandsintown Responds to Paris Attacks
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
The news of the Paris Attacks came to us early Friday evening. It was a time of chaos and confusion—not many seemed to know exactly what had yet happened at Le Bataclan concert hall, Le Petit Cambodge, La Belle Equipe, and Le Carillon restaurants, and Stade de France.

Over the last few days, information has come to light including who may behind these horrific acts, who the victims are, and how something so terrible may occur.

Our hearts are broken by these events.

Bandsintown is a concert discovery platform. We exist to let music fans uncover concerts happening by their favorite artists in their own cities. Because of our position in the music industry, we have direct ties to what has happened in France: Eagles of Death Metal are one of our own artists; Bataclan is owned by one of our shareholders, Lagardère group; one of our own family members, who is also an artist manager, has worked with victim Nick Alexander on tour; we ourselves are music fans and are musicians.

As Bandsintown’s chiefs and natives to France, we know very well the iconic venue that existed as the place of so much horror on November 13, 2015. We have personally spent countless nights there, and have only good memories of Le Bataclan.

In the wake of this terrible tragedy, we will continue to support our artists and their fans. We will play from the stage louder than ever; we will sing from the crowd louder than ever. We will strive forward as the voice of live music. We will not let terrorism silence us.

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